Parent Advisory Council Newsletter Issue 5.3 • March 2021


The PAC Mission:
To serve as the front line of communication facilitating cooperative efforts between home mentors, the school, and the RVA School Board with the intention to give a voice to families.


Pacing Guide

Can you believe we only have 3 months left of this school year? This year sure has had it’s challenges, and we sure have had a lot of changes in such a short period of time. 

Now that this year is closing down it’s time to check where you are in your pacing guide! We all need to make sure we are keeping up with where we need to be in our curriculum. 

Make sure to take into consideration that the RVA is a year round school, so if you need to work into, or through the summer you can. But now is the time to look at the calendar and plan the rest of the year to make sure you finish on time!

Most importantly, keep in contact with your teacher. Let them know what your plans are so there is no confusion as to what is happening with you and your student for the rest of the school year. 

Planning and communication is very important and should only take a short amount of time. If you feel overwhelmed, or need help with any of this, please reach out to your teacher, or me at or call me at 920.255.6665. 


State Testing

For those of you who signed up for state testing, here is the information on when and where that will be. 

For students who are Open Enrolled to the RVA, we are going to be proctoring the tests between the dates of April 14 - 15 (Medford) & April 19 - 23 (Mosinee).


April 14-15, 2021 (Medford)
9:00 - 5:00 Daily

Rural Virtual Academy
624 College Street
Medford, WI 54451


April 19-23, 2021 (Mosinee)
9:00 - 5:00 Daily

Rural Virtual Academy - Mosinee Learning Center
888 WI-153, Suite 140
Mosinee, WI 54455

Our testing sites will be open from 9:00 - 5:00 daily. The testing will have somewhat of an "open house" feel. Students can report to testing and leave testing at whatever time they feel is best. Students can try to get all of the testing completed in one day or they can stretch it out over 2, especially students who are in grades 4, 8, 9, and 10 as these tests are longer. It will be important for families to make sure that students are given enough time to complete the required tests within the days and time allotted.

RVA Mentor Series.png

Caregiving for Caregivers

Come and join the combined efforts of the Mentor Series and the Parent Advisory Council as we spend time to discuss Self Care as Caregivers.

As Home Mentors, we are all Caregivers. Some of us even have duties to care for others outside of the home such as for family members or jobs in health care. 

On Thursday March 11th at 2pm come and join us as we discuss how to take care of yourself as caregivers. 

We all need to make sure we don’t want to deplete our reserves, as many people count on us. But it is hard to find time to take care of ourselves. We always seem to come in last. Let's change that, to change our lives. Taking small steps to fill our ‘cups back up’ so we can continue giving as caregivers. 

I hope we see you there!

You can view all the current scheduled topics, dates and times by viewing the Mentor Series Schedule. If you have missed previous Mentor Series webinars feel free to visit our Mentor Series Library.  Here you will find great resources to better your practices as a home mentor.

If you have or would like to contribute ideas for future Mentor Series please contact our Mentor Series Coordinator, Tracie Moldenhauer at 715.459.6827 or

Gallery Night - The Student Spotlight

So, some of these other emails are coming through about Gallery NIght: The Student Spotlight. What exactly IS Gallery Night?

Please join us as we celebrate another school year and the accomplishments, talents, hobbies, and uniqueness of our RVA students! All K-8th grade RVA students are invited to participate in this year's Virtual Gallery Night!

Note: High school students will have their special night on the 25th of March for the Art Showcase event hosted by the Student Council. See link for HS details.

If you are interested in "Spotlighting" something you are passionate about, click the link for full sign up information of this special RVA tradition.

RVA Gallery Night

Keep in touch and let myself or the corresponding regional event coordinator know of any questions you have.

PAC Meeting

Our next PAC Meeting will be held on 

Thursday, March 11th at 2pm

Open Forum Parent Discussion

Zoom Room

PAC President:

Charlone Nikolaus