Annual Performance Reports 


We proudly present to you the Rural Virtual Academy’s annual performance report for the 2023-2024 school year.

As you will read, this year’s report shows evidence of distinguished performance as indicated by financial health, academic success, and school growth. Examples include such things as 278 RVA high school students earned 780 collegiate credits, 64 participated in work study programs or youth apprenticeships, and another 127 participated in academic enrichment programs within traditional brick-and-mortar school buildings. Participation in school events and activities topped 12,000 people and partner district usage of RVA services continues to grow. Several of our co-curricular teams and individuals qualified to participate in State and national-level competitions, high school graduation rates continue at 100% and parent and student satisfaction with the school remains impressively high. 


Archive of Past Annual Reports

2022-232021-222020-212019-202018-19 2017-182016-17 •   2015-16 •   2014-152013-142012-13
2011-122010-11 •  2009-102008-09 •   2007-082006-07