Parent Advisory Council Newsletter Issue 5.2 • January 2021


The PAC Mission:
To serve as the front line of communication facilitating cooperative efforts between home mentors, the school, and the RVA School Board with the intention to give a voice to families.

Remember to Schedule FUN!

At this moment in time we have a lot of at home moments. We school our kids, work, eat almost every meal and some of us even have our groceries and other staples delivered to our home.

With all of this at home time you would think, “Isn’t the time I am spending at home with my kids enough? Schooling them, eating meals with them, etc.”  You would be surprised to know that your’s, and your child's happiness, can be exponentially increased by spending just 15 minutes a day having fun! 

Two things to remember when going about this. First, your child should be the one who picks what to do! The adult in their life so often schedules everything else in their interactions together, letting the child pick and embracing that activity will open communication and bring you closer together. Second, don’t forget that life sometimes gets in the way, so the best way to not miss out is to schedule this as part of your school day, so put it right next to that ‘Math’ on your daily schedule so you don’t miss out. 

Here are just a few examples of things you can do with your kids for fun. 

  1. Listen to music/Dance

  2. Play video or board games

  3. Take a walk/Play outside

  4. Cook/bake

  5. Draw/paint

  6. Pet time, train or pamper your fur baby

  7. Watch a Youtube Video

Whatever your child chooses!

Open Enrollment, what to do?

The state of Wisconsin holds open enrollment every year. This year the dates are from Feb 1st to April 30th 2021. A lot of us have questions as what to do when open enrollment comes up. Bottom line, if you are planning on staying with the RVA you do not need to do anything

For those of you who may need more information on open enrollment please contact your RVA teacher. I have included the link to the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction here:

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact myself; The RVA’s PAC President, Charlone Nikolaus at 920.255.6665 or


High School Hot Spot

Some High Schoolers asked for a space in Zoom where they could spend time talking and hanging out. This is where the High School Hot Spot was born!

We are starting this in January. The informational email has already been sent, so look in your inboxes. If you need another one sent to you please feel free to request one from Josh Duwe or find the information on the Group Calendar. This is a space for your High School students, so if you want it to be different from the direction we have taken, LET US KNOW!!! Different days, different ideas, whatever. Remember, communication is key.


Zoom Etiquette 

At the RVA we all work at our best to put together the best virtual events that we can. We all know that we run into technical issues and working with multiple people who have their microphones on and working with that while also reading the chat box all by yourself… it takes some getting used to!  

While keeping that in mind, we at the RVA request that we keep the same etiquette for our adult viewers in Zoom chat as we do our students while in class. No rude or derogatory remarks will be tolerated. If they appear in the chat we may give you a warning or terminate your presence from the event. 

This is to uphold the values the RVA stands for.   

Thank you for your understanding.  

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me; The RVA’s PAC President, Charlone Nikolaus at 920.255.6665 or

RVA Mentor Series.png

You can view all the current scheduled topics, dates and times by viewing the Mentor Series Schedule. If you have missed previous Mentor Series webinars feel free to visit our Mentor Series Library.  Here you will find great resources to better your practices as a home mentor.

If you have or would like to contribute ideas for future Mentor Series please contact our Mentor Series Coordinator, Tracie Moldenhauer at 715.459.6827 or


PAC Meeting

Our next PAC Meeting will be held on 

Thursday, January 14th at 2pm

Open Forum Parent Discussion

Zoom Room

PAC President:

Charlone Nikolaus