Grades 9-12: Advancing on their Path to a Limitless Future
By high school, we have prepared your student to strive for their heart’s desire. This is the time to set goals and start achieving. While still participating in the standard fundamentals like language arts, math, history and science, the elective choices become wonderfully diverse and preparation for college entrance or technical vocation become paramount.
The Home Mentor’s Role
The home mentor’s role at this stage is really focused on encouraging their student to set goals and to independently work towards achieving them. At this stage, a home mentor is:
Encouraging personal goal-setting
Checking progress is made in lessons and assignments
Communicating with teachers and the RVA as needed
Driving to meet other students and RVA families at one of our 100+ free events and field trips across Wisconsin there to help your students socialize and develop lifelong friendships in the RVA!
We even have a fall dance and a high school Prom in the RVA!
The Curriculum at this Stage
While a good curriculum always focuses on the core competencies like English, math, history and science; the student is now free to study subjects in depth that they have developed an interest in, or hopefully, a passion for. The classes are now about 80-100% live online with subject-specific teachers live in Zoom. They may begin studying for college entrance exams, and in some cases, saving significant money while getting a jump-start on their future by earning college credit for FREE! Last year students taking Dual Credit Courses saved themselves and or their parents at least $96,000 in future college tuition!
Our High School Teachers Role
Our subject specific teachers work with the students to develop a learning plan that is in line with the students’ goals and interests while still maintaining the requirements for graduation. The teachers are encouraging exploration, critical thinking, reasoning, social consciousness and problem solving.