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Moving Beyond the Page (MBTP) for Typical 3rd-5th Graders

Moving Beyond the Page takes a hands-on approach to learning that encourages students to move beyond textbooks and worksheets and apply learning to their world.


Learning Style Best Suited for

  • Hands-on learners

  • Students who enjoy projects

Popular with

  • Students who like to connect their learning across subjects and complete projects


  • Lots of great reading materials and incorporates a variety of worksheets and projects for students to complete

What’s in the Box?

  • Language Arts (vocabulary, grammar, writing, spelling, story elements, and figurative language)

  • Science

  • Social Studies (geography, history, government, and culture)

  • Many kits for hands-on learners

Basic Summary

  • Students will complete various tasks and projects throughout the day


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MBTP 3rd Grade

Recognize differences in pitch and tone by creating your own instruments. Explore how technology has changed the world — from pyramids to skyscrapers. Write a creative story about a quadrilateral. Watch a caterpillar move through each stage of its lifecycle — becoming a beautiful butterfly. Write a story about two friends learning to celebrate their differences. Play fraction bingo with family and friends.

Students that are ready for the 3rd grade do not typically need an additional reading program as they have in younger levels. By the time students are reading at a 3rd grade level, they begin reading to learn instead of learning to read. From this point forward, students will develop their reading skills simply by reading broadly through different types of texts — including novels, biography, non-fiction, and poetry.

MBTP 4th Grade

Design a new plant species. Evaluate the relationship between a Native American boy and a pioneer boy who are able to learn from each other in spite of their differences. Experiment with magnets and electricity. Learn about simple machines and examine how they are used by a colony of rats in Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH.

Beginning with the 4th grade, MBTP utilizes many hands-on and engaging science kits to teach students the science topics being covered.

MBTP 5th Grade

Blast into the solar system and explore the depths of ocean. Follow American history from the first colonies, to westward expansion, to the lives of the immigrants. Learn about the 50 states and research the history of your own state. Explore the amazing human body. Read about the lives of inventors and try your hand at your own invention.

Beginning at this level, students begin taking more responsibility for formulating their own ideas and directing their day. The primary lesson plans are written for students to read and follow.