High School Clubs & Extracurriculars
Competitive Extracurriculars
Forensics is the practice and competition of public speaking Students may perform solo, in pairs, or in groups. Students progress through three competitions in which they perform their piece(s) in a group setting and are critiqued by a judge. Categories for competitive public speaking include: poetry, prose, group or solo acting, radio news reporting, demonstration speech, and more.
The RVA Forensics club is new this year and will begin meeting 2nd semester.
eSports at RVA is a competitive video game league. We are part of the WIHSEA (https://www.wihsea.org/) which comprises over 80 schools in the state of Wisconsin. In the fall season, we compete online in Smash Brothers Ultimate, and in the winter/spring season we compete in Rocket League. The RVA has both a JV and Varsity team that is open to high school students. In mid-September more information will go out to families about joining. This is a great club for those who are both experienced and new to the games. We are also looking for announcers to help with the broadcasting of our matches. If you are interested in joining the team you can fill out our esports interest form or contact Mr. MacDonald for more information.
Battle of the Books is a reading incentive program for students in 3rd thru 12th grades. Students read books and come together in groups to demonstrate their abilities and to test their knowledge of the books they have read. Battle of the Books promotes the reading of fiction and nonfiction that celebrate the world's diverse community.
Social & Service Clubs
GSA (Gender and Sexuality Alliance) is a non-school sponsored student-led RVA club who's mission is to promote a safe and respectful school environment for all students through education, social support and advocacy related to gender and sexuality topics and issues. GSA is meant to provide a safe space for people to express their gender or sexuality and raise topics for discussion in an inclusive environment. GSA meets regularly and if you are interested in learning more, please fill out the contact form to the right.
Yearbook is a book published once a year that contains information about the school, such as student names and photos, RVAHS events, clubs, special recognition and awards, and other school activities. Students meet in this credited class to make decisions on the yearbook and encouraged to take pictures at school-related events and activities. Students create and edit their assigned pages online. If interested, please contact Mrs. Athena or Mrs. Homeyer or fill out the form to the right.
RVA Weekly's purpose is to create a positive school climate and foster a sense of community in the RVA by showcasing student work, created for school related assignments or simply just for fun. Besides benefitting the RVA community, we feel the RVA Weekly will give students a platform to express themselves and share one of the many talents found throughout the RVA student body. Please explore the RVA Weekly site to learn about its contents, and consider submitting your work. Let us take advantage of this opportunity to have some fun, while highlighting the many talents found among the RVA students!
Environmental Alliance’s purpose is to increase environmental awareness and foster the creation of an environmental ethic among the student body and/or the local community in which the member resides. Environmental sustainability, agriscience, and fisheries and wildlife are subject areas to be explored by the club. A variety of strategies will be used to not only educate club members, but the RVA High School student body as well. Discussions, guest speakers, field trips, activity period announcements, and Earth Week activities will all be used to meet the club's objectives as well as those developed by the club throughout the year. The Environmental Alliance will meet every Tuesday or as needed throughout the school year.
Student Council is a group that is dedicated to helping other people! We do a lot of activities within the school as well as outside in the community. If you would like to be considered for this group, read on!
Student Council members will not be elected. Instead, they will go through an application/interview process.
Student Council will meet every week during Activity Period.
There will be 8-10 students on the Student Council (Officers and Class Representatives).
Activities will include creating and maintaining a positive culture at RVAHS, fundraising, organizing school events, participating in community service projects, holding a Food Drive, posting announcements on the RVAHS Website, assisting new families and students in getting familiar with the RVA, along with other activities that come up throughout the school year.
National Honor Society is more than just an honor roll. The National Honor Society chapter establishes rules for membership that are based upon a student's outstanding performance in the areas of scholarship, service, leadership, and character. These criteria for selection form the foundation upon which the organization and its activities are built.
Students eligible for the Rural Virtual Academy National Honor Society must meet the following criteria:
Earn a cumulative 3.5 GPA at the end of the first semester of their Junior or Senior year.
Demonstrate positive character, leadership, and citizenship.
Selections Process:
Eligible students are provided an NHS Candidate Data Form/Application which must be completed and submitted along with a letter of recommendation by the specified deadline. The faculty council then reviews eligible applications and determines which students will be admitted into the National Honor Society based on the information provided in the students’ applications.
Love taking pictures or want to learn more about how to edit the pictures you take? Come join the Photography Club! Each week we will pick a theme to take pictures on and share out our creations, or we will learn a new editing tip we can apply to our photographs. All are welcome! We are meeting Fridays during activity period. Hosted by Mrs. Zander and Mrs. Homeyer in Mrs. Zander’s Zoom Room !
Join Board Game Club if you like playing board games, whether old or new! Meet us to play board games digitally during Wednesday Activity Period every other week in Mr. Phillips’ Zoom Room!
Join the Stress Less Club if you are interested in learning more about stress and how to better manage it, especially during this very busy time of the school year! We will learn several coping strategies that you can use when you are feeling stressed. If you are comfortable, you are welcome to vent about your current frustrations, stress, and feelings of being overwhelmed, but this is not required. We will be meeting from 11:30-12:00 on 3-25, 4-8, 5-6, & 5-20 in Nicole Wolf’s Zoom Room.
Interesting learning more about our High School Clubs & Extracurriculars? Fill out and hit submit!
RVA’s Random Acts of Kindness (RAoK) has a mission to spread kindness and love to others. We meet weekly to discuss ideas for things we can do to help others and spread kindness while connecting with others and sharing experiences. Do you enjoy doing small acts of kindness for others? Do you like connecting with people around your age? Do you want to spread kindness but you are unsure of how to start? If any or all of these things apply to you, this is the club for you! Random Acts of Kindness meets in Mr. Smith’s Zoom room each Thursday during Activity Period at 11:00. Come to one of our meetings to learn more!
Join the ONEderfuls! Do you or someone you love have Type 1 Diabetes? Want to meet some of your peers that have Type 1 and teachers too? Let’s meet up to talk, ask questions, share experiences, and support one another! We meet Thursdays at 11:00 during Activity Period, starting Sept. 10 in Mrs. Chasteen’s ZOOM Room . This club is hosted by Mrs. Chasteen & Mrs. Zander!
Come to Spanish Club if you are you interested in Spanish and want to connect with other students outside of class! Our main goal is to have fun, but we also practice and learn Spanish in fun and culturally relevant ways. Even if you aren’t in a Spanish class you are more than welcome to join! We meet the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month starting September 22nd in Sra. Schlei’s ZOOM room!
Join Fishing Club with Mr. Holbrook to share your favorite fishing photos, fishing tactics, and fish stories this year. We will begin meeting every third Friday each month this year...As this club develops we may add events in the future.
Join Dungeons & Dragons Club if you want to create epic heroes to explore dangerous dungeons and fight mythical monsters with! we will have awesome adventures on Tuesdays and Thursday during Activity Period in Mr. Phillips’ Zoom Room!
Join Comic Book Club if you like reading comics or graphic novels and meet us to discuss comics or to read digital comics every other Wednesday in Activity period in Mr. Phillips’ Zoom Room!
Join Creative Writing Club hosted by Mrs. Jadin and Ms. Smith! Do you have a passion for storytelling? Do you aspire to one day be featured on the New York Times Best Sellers List? If yes, join us to connect with other writers, learn writing tips, and share your skills and ideas. We meet the first three Tuesdays of every month in Mrs. Jadin’s Zoom Room!
Join RVA Fitness Club and come and get big with world renowned Olympic weightlifter, Ryan Steinhoff. Learn how you too, can get big, get famous, and wash your clothes on your stomach. No whiners allowed. Just Kidding! Have fun and get fit with like minded students! We meet during Tuesday activity period in Mr. Steinhoff’s Zoom room.
Join Chess Club and …you guessed it, play Chess! we meet every week during Activity Period on Wednesdays in Mr. Smiths Zoom Room!