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RVA Chalkfest 2022: Submission Due Date

Are you the type of person that loves to draw with chalk or maybe just look at all the wonderful things that people can do with chalk? Well if you said yes to any or all of these this event is for you. We are going to be having a wonderful or should I say colorful week long CHALKFEST.

 We will be asking all interested RVA families and staff to participate by grabbing your chalk and drawing or writing words that show our wonderful school spirit. YAY RVA Pride!

We will be hosting this event during the week of September 25th - October 1st. 

Make anything, be creative and of course share the RVA pride for Relationships, Values & Academics. Upload your pictures to the folder below. by October 1st to be a part of this artistic collection.

Upload your pictures here: RVA Chalk Fest 2022

All participating families will be entered into a drawing and have the chance to win a fun prize.

Let’s come together and share our art and our RVA PRIDE!