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Community Service: Teen Court Seminar (Virtual Presentation)

Good Day RVA!

We are excited to extend a warm invitation to an enriching community service event aimed at introducing you to the world of Teen Court! All high school students are invited to come learn how to be involved in their local community and gain community service for attending this virtual seminar.

This is an incredible opportunity for our RVA High School Students to come together and explore the multifaceted dimensions of our legal system while making a positive impact on our community.

Teen Court is part of local county’s circut court system and is run by Madison’s local extention office. Panelists are trained to interview first-time offenders and their families, then decide sanctions to help yourth learn from past decisions.

Panelists must be:

  • In High School

  • Great communication and Listening Skills

  • Team Players

  • Maintain Confidentiality

Planning to attend?

Click here to RSVP:

Join Us Here: RVA Zoom Room

Virtual Event Coordinator:

What's in it for our students who becom involved?

🔷 Develop Leadership Skills: Are you eager to enhance your leadership abilities and make a lasting difference in the community? Teen Court is the perfect platform to foster essential leadership skills like effective communication, decision-making, and teamwork, all while contributing to a just cause.

🔶 Learn About Different Backgrounds & Cultures: Dive into a vibrant tapestry of cultures and backgrounds as we navigate the dynamic world of Teen Court. Gain a deeper understanding of diverse perspectives, promoting empathy and unity among our community members.

🔷 Become Familiar with Local Government Agencies: Curious about how local government agencies, law enforcement, social services, and the court system collaborate? This event offers a unique chance to gain insights directly from professionals, unraveling the intricate threads that weave our justice system together.

🔶 Great Experience for Your Resume: Whether you're a student seeking college admissions or an individual looking to bolster your job prospects, participating in Teen Court showcases your commitment to civic engagement and community betterment. This experience shines brightly on any resume!

Join Us in Making a Difference!

We urge you to seize this remarkable opportunity to learn, grow, and give back to our community. By attending, you will not only expand your knowledge but also foster lasting connections with like-minded individuals.

We look forward to your presence at this enlightening virtual community service learning experience!

Earlier Event: September 21
RVA Parent University
Later Event: September 22
Miss Nelson is Missing - Matinee