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Black Bear Education Center Tour-Wausau

  • Black Bear Center 157129 Land Art Road Wausau, WI, 54403 United States (map)

Come join the RVA for a tour of our local Black Bear Center. In the early 1980s, armed with state-of-the-art camera equipment, Jeff began his own personal study of black bears in the wild. He soon learned that bears are not the highly dangerous animals portrayed in so many sensational news stories, but instead are intelligent, gentle animals who play a critical role in the functioning ecosystems they inhabit. We will meet at the sanctuary at 5:45 to get all checked in prior to the tour start time of 6:00. Visit The Black Bear Education Website to learn more. This event has limited capacity so sign up on the waitlist if the RSVP is closed. More groups may open up as a result..

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If capacity has been met please put your name on the waitlist.

Waitlist: Black Bear Education Tour

Address: 157129 Land Art Road Wausau 54403

Regional Event Coordinator:

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